
Bare Escentuals Bare Minerals All Over Face Colour in True
Face Atelier pigment sample in SOV
Annabelle Studio pigment in Karma
Dior High Shine mini lipstick in Catwalk Mauve
Vasanti Tinted Lipbalm in Columbia
How to enter
1. Leave a comment on this post telling me what is your idea of the perfect day*.
2. For extra entries, you may:
i. Post about this giveaway on your blog if you have one.
ii. Tweet about this giveaway in the following manner: "A Watercolour Sky @watercoloursky is giving away more makeup goodies! Enter at"
If you do either #2 or #3, please drop a comment on this post again (leave 2 comments if you do both) so I can easily count your extra entries.
Anyone can enter BUT you must, must, must click on the "follow" button on the left menu on the sidebar, and select 'follow publicly'. Your profile must NOT be privatized in order for me to check that you are following. Otherwise I will not count your entry in the final tally.
(Exception: Wordpress bloggers that I regularly correspond with (you know who you are :D) are welcome to enter - sorry if I forget to mention that at times, guys)
Again, this is open internationally. Closes a week from today Monday June 14th, Eastern Standard Time. Good luck! :)
*I, personally live for weekends, so my ideal day would be sleeping in to rain on a Saturday morning, and get up when the sun comes out. An awesome breakfast brunch at Chez Cora, followed by biking, and an afternoon picnic at Toronto Island. Dinner would be at my favourite Korean restaurant for bulgogi ssam to finish the day :D
hullo! amazing prizes
and congrats on the followers
a perfect day is a day in santorina [greece] sitting down on the beach enjoying the sun with my lovely orange juice
very relaxing.
I am a follower of your blog.
My idea of the perfect day would be to go out with my husband and my baby girl and have fun.
I blogged about your giveaway in my blog.
Hope i could win.
also I posted it on my sidebar with picture and i linked it back :)
waking up to a sunny and non humid day
drinking good coffee
having an eggs benedict
walking outside
eat some more
having some greg's roasted marshmallow ice cream
wearing shorts and t-shirt
it's not hard to please me
Here is my Tweet for your giveaway :D
I am a follower, of course. Thanks! :D
I posted your giveaway on my blog:
My idea of the perfect day would be a sunny day, warm but with a little breeze. I would wake up at noon to spend the whole day horseback riding with my fiancé, and end the day at our favorite Thai restaurant.
And I tweeted:
Thank you! =D
tweeted here:
i posted your giveaway link on my blog sidebar:
hi there. thank you for hosting this great giveaway. congrats on over 500 followers~ i am a new subscriber
my idea of a perfect day: getting up not too early and biking to a coffeeshop with my boyfriend, doing a bit of window shopping and drinking bubble tea, closing with watching chuck or a movie at home and pillow talking :)
yay omg 500 followers, congrats!!! that's so exciting :)
hmm my perfect day...sleep until i wake up by myself without an alarm clock, have a picnic in the park and then hike up the hill. afterwards a nice cool drink while sitting on the patio, and then watch my favorite movie cuddled up with my kitty with fiance. hmmmmmmmm thinking about all these make me happy :D
My perfect day is when it's raining lightly while I'm tucked in bed with a good book and some noms, after a successful climb up a mountain/hill :)
I've RTed under @electronicfly too :)
My perfect day is a stress free day. Sleeping in, relaxing and reading a book in the sun while drinking mimosas and getting a tan!
Hi dear, I just tweeted :) will post about your giveaway next time when i blog! <3
I have tweeted about the giveaway. @mariab76
I think a perfect day is when I do not have any planes at all. Sleeping in and then having brunch at home and then watching movies all day in bed.
potato pancakes with melted cheese for breakfast + practising my violin and successfully getting certain passages right + go for violin class and getting great feedbacks from violin tutor + gyu tan don (ox tongue rice) for lunch + dressing up and putting on makeup + shopping! + cinnamon rolls at cinnabon + chinese dinner + a drink with some close friends + catching up + laughters = PERFECT DAY!
also featured about your giveaway in my sidebar, not sure if it can be counted as an entry but it's ok if it can't :)
My idea of a perfect day is enjoying a perfect weather, not too cold and not too humid. Where can I walk in the park while taking pictures of the scenery or when I can just be one with nature.
My ideal (probably not so realistic) perfect day will involve waking up to a sunny but not so hot weather and spend the morning reading a book or working on my arts and crafts project. I would spend the afternoon relaxing and maybe working on house project like re-decorating a room. In the late afternoon, I would start preparing a feast for my dear bf. We would then spend the evening watching a movie or just chat about our plan for the futures. Of course, this would be a perfect weekend day. I can't imagine doing this every single day. ^___^
Oh I forgot to post my email:
kessathea26 (at) gmail (dot) com
I tweeted about this too:
Thank you for hosting this...
I have blogged about your giveaway in my blog's sidebar.
1. A perfect day? - being with my loved ones. :)
2. Posted your giveaway in my sidebar:
3. Tweeted about your giveaway here:
1. A perfect day? - being with my loved ones. :)
2. Posted your giveaway in my sidebar:
3. Tweeted about your giveaway here:
Hm, the perfect day would be waking up to a sunny day in Vancouver (it usually rains here) and going for a walk downtown. I like getting "lost" downtown to have a little adventure and find some place new. And then going on the Aquabus and finding Francophones (very interesting to talk in French!)
My perfect day... it'll be one of the days when I've already achieved one of my life goals, and I'll be perfectly relaxed (until I have to go after the next goal haha). I'll sleep in, and then go out walking with the SO. ;)
Tweeted here:
Congratulations on 500!
My perfect day would be getting a great night's sleep, and getting up bright and early to go to Panninkins in Oceanside for brunch, walking around/shopping in Solana Beach and visiting the Scripps park, having dinner at PB Alehouse and then watching fireworks on the beach.
My idea of a perfect day is early breakfast at a cozy cafe, some light biking, a walk by the beach hand in hand with my hubby, a hearty lunch at a restaurant overlooking a great view, a visit to the zoo, good conversation over coffee, a light dinner then cap it all off with a night swim.
I tweeted it here:
I also tweeted about your giveaway
twitter name: joyceongco
My idea of a perfect day: a late wake up call, warm and tasty congee from my fave Chinese eatery, then lunch and shopping & movie bonding-date with close friends, and to cap off the day, a dinner at a steak restau and my fave Chai Latte from CBTL. Sweet!
My idea of a perfect day is sleeping in until 11 am until I am woken up by a kitten kneading on my back. Then, my boyfriend would bring me to MAC or Sephora and let me pick a few things that he's going to pay for. :P Of course we would eat my favourite foods, maybe some Malaysian chicken rice. The day would end lounging around in my pyjamas watching some cheesy romantic comedy -- the cheesier the better!
I posted about your giveaway:
Thank you!! ^___^
My perfect day would either be spending time with my family (sounds corny but its true xD) or watching dramas/tv all day and get a good night's sleep!
my idea of the perfect day is waking up to a beautiful crisp sunny day and then starting off a day with a nice cup of tea and newspaper. Then a slow stroll to a nearby cafe for a late breakfast of coffee and pain au chocolat followed by a visit to the local farmer's market to pick up some fresh produce for the week. After dropping off the produce I'd take my bike to either a museum or just a nice ride along the beach. Then I'd come home and start cooking a leisure dinner for a small group of friends. Finally I'd love to end the night with a good read before bed.
What constitutes as a "perfect day" for me would have to be waking up at the break of dawn, getting enough time to eat breakfast, put on makeup, and go through my wardrobe for the perfect look for the day, getting to school early, and acing a set of extremely challenging exams. It may sound geeky...but I really do wish it was so...8)
Even better yet, I'd wake up and my locks would be down to my waist again with beautiful layers and side-swept bangs that any girl would kill for....*sigh
if only..
<33 Rena
My idea of a perfect day is waking up at a leisurely time at our summer home in the Hamptons. Then having breakfast in bed. Then relaxing on the beach for a good part of the day before going out to dinner with my friends.
My idea of a perfect day would be to wake up early, go for an early morning walk by the sea side stripe. Then after I'm done I'll go to the cafe near my house and have a breakfast with eggs, bacon, toast with a perfect cup of coffee :) After that the day rolls by playfully with shopping and spending random time with friends.
haha I'm not a morning person but I love the feeling of going for early morning walks cos its so energising and really makes the rest of the day so beautiful. But I don't do it often cos I'm too lazy to wake early XD
I also tweeted, my nickmane is w0lframio :P
My english is really bad, but :}
The perfect day for my is when i have the house only for me in the morning and then i go to spend the rest of the day with my friends ;)
evil_eva12 at hotmail dot com
my perfect day would be sleeping in to a sunny day. then having brunch - coffee and whatever then going shopping at the mall or hanging with friends.
evil_eva12 at hotmail dot com
my perfect day wouldn't start until noon because I'd want to sleep in. I'd follow up with dim sum for brunch and then a nice long walk on a sunny (but not too hot) day. I'd end the evening with a romantic dinner on the CN tower so that I could see the city at night, and head home for a night in with my bf and a good movie.
My perfect day is a great warm morning, an perfectly on time bus to a yummy brunch with some girl friends.
Then a walk exploration around the city and shops and ice creams! And then dinner with more chit chats.
Followed by a light cool shower once I get home so I can have a wonderful snuggle early in bed to a work-less next day.
Perfect day would be waking up to good skin, which leads to smooth application of makeup, looking fantastic with good hair to boot and a day with great itinerary to look forward to.
magnect at hotmail dot com
For me Perfect day would be waking up in the morning with good mood and seeing my family smiling like they have no problems...^^,
Blog your giveaway here:
My Perfect Day as of right now would be going to the mall and spending all the money I brought with me on makeup items that I have always wanted but never gotten a chance to get because I didn't want to spend my $$$ recklessly. Then I would go eat at Chipotle (a Mexican fast-food place). Finally to top it off, I would not be forced to play violin or piano cuz that's what my parents do everyday. hehehe ^.^ I'm a bad kid.
Thxs for the giveaway~
i also posted about your giveaway on my sidebar:
Congrats at reaching 500+ followers!
My perfect day would be an outdoors one. I would love it to be warm and sunny out with a soft breeze so I won't burn. Right now I'd love to just do anything touristy, just enough the city, which ever city I decide to go to and eat amazing food.
I'd loved to go out with my bf. I haven't had a day date with him in a long time.
<3s Serena.
I also tweeted about your giveaway June 11 @ 4:13pm. My twitter is
<3s Serena.
congrats on the 500+ followers!!
my perfect day would consist of walking along a boardwalk with my bf, shopping and eating random snacks, then going on a ferris wheel and playing those carnival games and winning some prizes :p i'm such a kid at heart still!
i forgot to leave my email address i think:
come support my giveaway too if you'd like!
also following you on twitter now under the name "iceflurrie"
heres the tweet link: !
yay for toronto bloggers :)
My perfect day will start with me sleeping in. Then will include some: shopping with friends (w/o worrying about budget), lounging around the house, catching up on some tv. It will end with a nice dinner and some yummy dessert :)
Congrats on reaching 500 followers! :)
My idea of a perfect day would be getting up at 7am and go for a morning walk at a nearby hill.
My perfect day would be a nice sunny day, with clear blue skies and a light breeze, having a box of Hummingbird Bakery cupcakes and then having a picnic/BBQ in the park with friends. Later, I would lounge around at home, have a homecooked meal and watch TV with my family.
For me, the perfect day starts with a really yummy breakfast...folowwed with a visit to the parlor and maybe a little shopping. if i'm with the boyf, a perfect day is one spent in the beach!
katch05 at gmail dot com
I tweeted your giveaway here:
Hi! Enter me please!
For me, a perfect day is a weekend day, without class, exams and work to do hehe, and with my boyfriend.
I certainly posted about your giveaway hun :)
I just had a perfect day yesterday - it was warm, sunny and we went to the beach, sat there and read my fav book. It was awesome :)
For me the perfect day has friends, blue ice cream, cupcakes, music, movies, and makeovers.As you can see I want a whole day sleepover!
my perfect day is to wake up to the singing of the birds...but at 10 :P i like my beauty sleep. eat strawberry chocochip waffles with whipcream and then call my BFF who'll drive me to the beach. When we're there, we'll swim and have a water fight! then we'll take a stroll on the streets to go shopping and get green tea fraps or ice cream. Go home and have a spa night ;D haha this almost made me drool...
My idea of a perfect day is walking by the sea shore holding the hand of my love and listen the songs of the weaves together.
I tweeted about ur giveaway here:
I blogged about it on my blog :)
hope u have a great day!
I tweeted about it too
my twitter account is polkabebe
Idea of perfect day: spending day with my 4 year old nephew , watching cartoon network , playing hide and seek, ordering pizza and play until he sleeps. His laughs , smiles , enery makes my ordinary day perfect :)
Great giveaway :)
For me, a perfect day is a day in the bed with my boyfriend.
The Hind
My perfect day would be a nice day on the beach with all my friends who play guitar :)
A perfect day for me would be spending a fun morning shopping with my daughter followed by a relaxing afternoon at the movies and then dinner with my family and closest friends.
hi just wabted to let you know that i have blogged about this giveaway too :)
just check the giveaway tab at the top
Following through Google Friend Connect (name - stephanie).
My idea of a perfect day is spending a day at the beach with my family. :)
My perfect day would start with a kiss from my boyfriend. We would have breakfast together and then we would go out for a walk to a park with a lake. We would have luch in a romantic restaurant. Later we would go to the beach and enjoyed ourselves with our friends.
Congrats on reaching 500 followers!!!
I tweeted:
I posted about your giveaway on my blog: (you can use the Google Traductor button on the right to traduce it).
new followers =)
my idea of the perfect day is have a good breakfast and good shower to start everything =)
mostly i spent my best day with my friends, for good mood i must start it with good breakfast and shower.
Tweeted about this giveaway:
hi :)
My idea of a perfect day is waking up to a beautiful sunny day, and spending the day being productive. Good food is also a must :)
Congrats on your followers
Blogged about this giveaway:
Congratz again :D
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