I'm thinking about making a visit to Japan in February...but I don't know if I should, or if I can, or if I want the stress that'll come along with the fun.
Also I've been spending a lot more than usual this year, compared to all previous years so I was going to cut back in the next couple of months :(
I don't know....I should check out some things first to see if I can even take the time off, and if I can even handle the whole visa thing...crap I think I'll need a visa to go there too. Man I should have planned things better this year, and not taken any vacation time after all. Although the main reason I took so much time off was because my family really wanted me to visit. Otherwise in 2007 I would've just taken probably only 1-2 weeks off and saved any remaining vacation days for 2008....instead of asking for an extra week of unpaid leave to get 3 weeks off last September.
Ok I know I shouldn't feel stressed about it but its just that I've always wanted to visit Japan with the bf, and I don't think I'll get another chance to go on the trip together for a few more years. But now I'm kinda upset because February is so soon, I don't know if its possible for me to get my visas and ticket all done by then. Plus I'd have to take days off work to apply for the visas as well.
On the bright side, just thinking about a trip like this, or the possibility of losing out on this opportunity is helping me kill a lot of makeup lemmings... I'd stay off MAC for a year if I did actually get to go on this trip. The chance to shop in Japan for clothing is way more appealing than buying more makeup. Besides I'd also get to try out Japanese cosmetics anyway...
a trip to Japan sounds cool, although with everything you've pointed out it does sound stressful. :P i hope you do get your trip and your vacation. :] my bf wants to go to japan too... but that's WAYYY later for us. :D
thanks, i hope so too. i know could do it but i just hate dealing with paperwork for visas and having to use more vacation time just to get the visa...
also i guess i should consider if the trip will be worth the money too since i won't be able to stay longer than 2 weeks there...
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